Griswold Controls Featured Projects
The Griswold Controls Featured Projects gallery highlights key projects, products used, and featured manufacture representatives. Click on any project listed below to learn more about the specific product application.

Project Description:
At the forefront of research and education of unsurpassed quality, Princeton University’s Chemical and Biological Engineering Building stands as a testament to the school’s 100-year history of continuous scientific breakthroughs.

Project Description:
We are proud to contribute to projects that push the boundaries of healthcare innovation and efficiency. It’s an honor to support the Center for Innovation at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital with products designed to enhance comfort and precision in HVAC performance.
Project Name: Anazoa Health

Description: Anazao Health recently expanded its manufacturing and warehouse facilities to meet growing industry demands…
Project Name: Joaquin Murrieta Park

Description: The City of Tucson has embarked on an ambitious renovation project….
Project Name: Wesleyan University Science Building

For a community that could fill 2/3rds of Lambeau…
Project Name: Yale New Haven Hospital Adams Neuroscience Center

Since 1994, Mechanical Solutions has been a reputable…
Project Name: Zoetis Vivarium

A global leader in animal health has recently completed…
Project Name: Homestead Wakefield Elementary School HVAC Upgrade

The community of Bel Air, Maryland has been planning…
Project Name: Spelman College

Nestled in the vibrant heart of Atlanta, Georgia, Spelman College stands…
Project Name: UT Southwestern Medical Center

The UT Southwestern has undertaken a transformative…
Project Name: Netflix Sound Stages

Vibrant and film-friendly, Albuquerque bears many names: “The heart…
Project Name: 400 Central Residency

In the sun-kissed landscape of St. Petersburg, Florida, the soaring silh…
Project Name: Arizona Western College – DeAnza Residence Hall

Arizona Western College (AWC) is anticipating a proud celebration: the…
Project Name: First Solar

Sustainability has driven politicians, businessmen and businesswomen…
Project Name: Celina Elementary School

an idyllic, lake-side elementary school nestled in Celina, Ohio. With an enthus…
Project Name: University of Michigan – Leinweber Building

Renowned for its leadership in public research, particularly in computer scien….
Project Name: Peppermill Resort Tower Reno

Nestled in the heart of Reno, the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino stands as a symbol of…
Project Name: LAX Automated People Mover

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), a global aviation hub serving a staggering 88 mi…
Project Name: Lake Land College – Neal Hall

Neal Hall is located on Lake Land Junior College Campus in Mattoon, Illinois. It houses a…
Project Name: Aurum Golden Apartments – Streamline Balance

The Garden of the Gods, the Rocky Mountain Range, and the Denver Broncos…
Project Name: West Henderson Hospital Tower Addition

Description: Is there a more popular saying than “What happens in Vegas, stays in…
Project Name: Hostess Brands

Description: Donut, doughnut, or…Gefüllte Krapfen? Sounds like a sneeze, right?
Project Name: North Seattle College Library Renovation

Description: Space Needle, national parks, and rain: these are all things that students…
Project Name: Parcel 12

Description: Arguably the most legendary stage on which the great American…
Project Name: L&I/WSDA Safety and Health Lab

Description: The L&I/WSDA Safety and Health Lab Training Center is a state-of-the-art…
Project Name: Covenant Health New West Tower

Description: The life expectancy in the US is now almost 80 and that is…
Project Name: Aquarium of the Pacific

Description: Over 11,000 animals, 500 different species, and exhibits ranging from…
Project Name: Lowell Elementary School

Description: 90 years ago, the world back then is almost unrecognizable today…
Project Name: Winthrop Center
Description: Massachusetts: even though most people need autocorrect to spell…
Project Name: GM Lordstown Electric Battery Plant
Description: What do Grand Central Station, Ellis Island, and the grounds of the US…
Project Name: Education Learning Center
Description: Coquitlam is the 6th largest city…
Project Name: eBay Utah Data Center

Description: The eBay Utah data center features Pressure Independent MVP…
Project Name: Bentall Skyrise
Description: 33 stories, 403ft (122.83m), and a terrace that would even make the 1% blush. Even though the Bentall Skyrise is only in the pre-construction phase, the renderings…
Project Name: Olympic Regional Development
Description: With so much history haven taken place inside these walls…
Project Name: Facebook Data Center – New Mexico
Description: $1 billion dollars and 4 years later, the 510,000 sq ft (47,000 sq m) Facebook data center has been completed. Who knows, maybe your profile is stored there…
Project Name: City of Hope Cancer Center – Irvine
Description: The City of Hope Cancer Center will be a 190,000 square-foot, LEED-certified cancer center of the future in Irvine, California, and one of our personal favorite…
Project Name: First National Bank Tower
Description: The First National Bank Tower rules the Omaha skyline with the next tallest building at a thirteen-story deficit. It not only has the Omaha skyline, but…
Project Name: Wester Middle School
Description: Wester Middle School serves not only as a school, but a place to nurture the growth and development of the young minds in Frisco, Texas…
Project Name: Arizona State University- Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building VII
Description: Construction of the new Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building 7 at Arizona State University, Tempe Campus, is underway. Sustainability…
Project Name: 320 York Street- Yale’s Hall of Graduate Studies
Description: The landmark building at 320 York Street is a collegiate, gothic-style building that opened in 1932 as the Hall of Graduate Studies. For well over 80…
Project Name: North City Campus Modernization
Description: North City Campus Modernization includes the modifications of Shoreline School District No. 412 Elementary School. Parkwood Elementary features a bright…
Project Name: MFSH NICU – Postpartum
Description: Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital NICU is a 265-bed community hospital, 10-bed and level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Delivering over 2500 babies…
Project Name: The OU Medical Center Adult Patient Tower
Description: The OU Medical Center Adult Patient Tower is a state-of-the-art medical tower at OU Medical Center to meet the increasing demand for the…
Project Name: Erie Insurance Building
Description: Erie Insurance Headquarters’ new office building is LEED-certified, environmentally friendly and will have four larger floors and three, smaller tower…
Project Name: Mason General Hospital MOB Medical Office Building
Description: At the Mason General Hospital, a two-story 60,000 square foot medical office building will consolidate services from local practices and increase…
Project Name: Davis-Monthan Air Force Base (DMAFB) Instruction Building
Description: The DMAFB General Instruction Building includes a 56,000-square-foot Military Construction (MILCON) facility to accommodate students, instructors and…
Project Name: The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Description: The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) is a public medical school in Dallas, Texas. Such a grand building accommodates…
Project Name: Metro Wastewater
Description: The Metro Wastewater Reclamation District is the wastewater treatment authority for much of metropolitan Denver and parts of northern Colorado…
Project Name: Delaware County Judicial Building
Description: Delaware County has a new courthouse nearing construction as it continues to invest in the northern section of Delaware’s downtown. Plans call…
Project Name: Tukh Cambridge North Tower
Description: The University of Kansas Hospital Authority Board has voted to add four floors to the Cambridge North Tower confirming talk of possible…
Project Name: Delray Medical Center
Description: Delray Medical Center has begun building a 120,000 square-foot patient tower as part of a $79.4 million expansion. The four-story tower, next to…
Project Name: ERDC Headquarters
Description: The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) will soon have a new headquarters building in Vicksburg, Mississippi – a structure…
Project Name: New Trier High School
Description: New Trier serves about 4,200 students from Chicago’s North Shore suburban communities of Glencoe, Kenilworth, Northfield, Wilmette, Winnetka and…
Project Name: Mount Carmel East, New Bed Tower
Description: Mount Carmel Health is committed to the quality care of our patients and their families. They serve more than a million patients each year. And that…
Project Name: Cathedral Hill Hospital
Description: Cathedral Hill Hospital is located in San Francisco on the cross streets of Van Ness Ave and Geary Street. The CPMC/Sutter hospital project is a new…
Project Name: Southern Tier Hi-Tech Incubator
Description: Binghamton University, SUNY Broome and the regional economic development community are building an incubator at 120 Hawley Street in…
Project Name: Boston University Center for Integrated Science & Engineering
Description: A Boston University $140 million, state-of-the-art, nine-story research facility that will bring together life scientists, engineers, and physicians from…
Project Name: Douthit Dormitory
Description: The Douthit Dormitory is located at the entrance to Clemson University along SC Highway 93, the Douthit Hills Development project will provide…
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