Tag: technology

eBay Utah Data Center – Pressure Independent MVP Valves

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Date of Completion: 2013
Griswold Controls Products Used: Pressure Independent MVP Valves



Facility Description:

Have you ever been surfing on eBay, looking for something interesting? How about sending or receiving money using PayPal? Bought tickets using StubHub? These are all functions that the eBay Utah Data Center server is performing to this very day. And that isn’t even the most interesting thing about this data center. The eBay Utah data center in particular is not powered like most other data centers; it is the world’s first to use Bloom Energy Savers™ as the main power source rather than the main electricity grid. Ebay’s data center is also not cooled like most other data centers. Instead of pushing cold air from underneath a raised floor through perforated tiles, IT equipment at the site is cooled directly by plate heat exchangers bolted onto the back of the racks. Furthermore, instead of using industrial chillers, the facility pulls air from the outside into cooling towers which are supplemented by an evaporative cooling system. The innovative facility has one more interesting feature. It is supplied by Griswold Controls’ Pressure Independent MVP valves. MVP Valves offer pressure independent control with an actuated valve. They are available in 2-1/2″ to 10″ size and flows from 40 GPM to 1220 GPM.

Video Credit: eBay

Project Description:

These Pressure Independent MVP valves help reduce energy costs and increase occupant comfort. Traditional control valves allow for overflow and underflow to coils which means excess water is pumped to compensate for their inaccuracy. The actuators in traditional valves also have to cycle more often to compensate for pressure changes in the system that impact the flow. By precisely controlling the flow of water to each coil, the valve enables energy savings, increases available plant capacity, minimizes capital expenses necessary to acquire additional capacity, and simplifies system design and control.

If you want to learn more about data centers we have Griswold Controls products installed at, click here.

Photos by Roy Pena, Digital Forge Media

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    Facebook Data Center – New Mexico

    Location: Los Lunas, New Mexico
    Date of Completion: 2021
    Representative: Massey Johnson Associates
    Griswold Controls Products Used: Isolator U, Isolator S



    Facility Description:

    $1 billion dollars and 4 years later, the 510,000 sq ft (47,000 sq m) Facebook data center in Los Lunas, New Mexico has been completed. The campus has been fitted with the latest OCP compute, storage, and networking technologies which translates to a very quick data center.

    Powered mostly by renewable energy, this data center created more than 300 construction jobs and 50 permanent jobs. Even the governor of New Mexico had something to say:

    “Facebook is a stellar, cutting-edge, high-tech company, and it’s an honor to welcome them to New Mexico. Making our state more competitive for jobs and new investment is critical to growing our private sector and diversifying our economy.”

    Who knows, maybe your profile is stored there…

    Project Description:

    If your profile is stored there, just know it is in capable, air-conditioned hands. This project has been fitted with a custom coil piping package including Isolator U and Isolator S valves installed all over the building. Griswold Controls has expanded our offering of these components to include larger accessories components like flanges, flange adapters, and tees to build larger air handling unit packages so that in the future, Facebook can decide to expand and further custom tailor the valves to suit their HVAC needs. Griswold Controls also offers accessories like combination air vent and pressure-temperature test valves, automatic air vents, pressure-temperature test valves, hoses, and drain valves.

    About Massey Johnson Associates

    For over 50 years, Massey Johnson Associates is a professional Manufacturers’ Representative agency that specializes in Specification Products, Commercial Plumbing Products, and Mechanical Equipment for Residential and Commercial Applications. They value business ethics, experience, relationships, product knowledge, and are dedicated to being fully educated in the products they represent.

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